About image

Humanos.lib comes from the Spanish words Humanos Liberados or freed humans in English.As society becomes more censored and controlled people are looking for new ways to work and share videos without the fear of censorship.A society that is censored is not free! Our platform is accesed from humanos.lib and humanoslib.com.The .lib address being a censor-resistant blockchain domain.We now offer a video sharing platform where you can sell ads on your videos and receive pay in Smart BCH and we are building a online freelance work platform in memory of the xbtfreelancer.com crypto job platform that was taken down and censored. Both the video and work platform work with Smart BCH functionality.

Humanos.lib Freelance Platform

Freelance Platform image

Humanos.lib comes from the Spanish words Humanos Liberados or freed humans in English. As society becomes more censored and controlled the people want and are looking for new ways to work and share videos without the fear of censorship and unnecessary controls. Here on our decentralized platform we offer both the freelancer job space and the video-sharing alternative and we are planning other revolutionary services to come as well to help you to live free

Humanos.lib Video Platform

Video Platform image

After experiencing censorship on different video platforms I found the need for a better option and I am not alone with this need. Unfortunately, YouTube pays very little for the content people upload. We give you the ability to manage your own advertising sales directly and the payment is direct to your crypto wallet, our fee is only 5%. No KYC or personal details are required.